Transform meta-/models into intermediate structure
The implementation right now takes a very straight-forward approach for transforming ADOxx meta-/models to RDF: It takes the XML, loads it as an XML structure and directly transforms that to RDF by creating the RDF statements. The current approach in a picture for meta-models:
Similar for models.
A more flexible and extended approach could be to use an intermediate structure representing a meta-/model description of ADOxx. This could make bi-directional transformations simpler and also allow transformation between different types. For example building on the ADOxx Java-2-ALL Code project. This "RDF Transformation" would then be practically replaced by a "transformer component" that could transform between different formats in general, e.g. ABL, ALL, ADL, XML, RDF etc. The idea of this approach in a picture for meta-models:
Something similar could be done for models.