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resources / ADOxx Modules / ADOxx Version Check
MIT LicenseA module which provides several functions and procedures that deal with configuring and managing a version of a tool, like comparing version numbers or checking if a new version is available.
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An empty ADOxx 1.5 library extended with ADOxx modules and other adaptations recommended by OMiLAB. These extensions represent years of knowledge gained in various meta-modelling projects that can prove helpful for many modern cases.
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The OMiTag project contains the relevant resources, applications etc. to processes physical SAP scenes through tag recognition and provide relevant information like video streams or object positions through a network (internet, REST API etc.)
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Olive / Get Processed DOM
MIT LicenseA simple HTTP web-service which retrieves an HTML page from a specific URL, processes the code (e.g. executing JavaScript) and returns the resulting HTML code.
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Damiano Falcioni / ADOxx ABL-ALL Java API
MIT LicenseUpdated -
resources / ADOxx Modules / ADoy
MIT LicenseADoy is a software tool and a workflow for dynamically integrating ADOxx and Alloy.
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resources / ADOxx Modules / RDF Transformation
MIT LicenseThis module allows to transform ADOxx models and meta-models into an RDF representation based on the Linked Data constructs described in the ComVantage project.
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The Java application from the "RDF Transformation" module as a REST web-service.
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Various functionalities to read and modify the current meta-model.